SPAZ was created by a group of teachers from a private English school in the southern suburbs of Athens in 1986.
The occasion was the death of Sammy, the dog that had been adopted by the school in 1984 when she appeared and "begged" food and caresses from the children.
After being vaccinated, neutered and dewormed, he became the school pet. He had a pillow in every classroom and was free to move around the building and the courtyard. She became the most special teacher of all the children.

When Sammy was killed by a passing car in front of their eyes, some teachers decided that something had to be done to help the strays. To reduce their population, to teach people to respect and love animals. So, in memory of Sammy, a group of teachers founded SPAZ.
In those years Glyfada and the surrounding areas had MANY stray dogs. And because they were not neutered they moved around in packs and, of course, multiplied.
The main goal was – and is – to sterilize as many stray animals (dogs and cats) as possible.
In the 32 years of action, SPAZ volunteers have sterilized over 30,000 strays. The first group of volunteers were mainly Americans, Canadians, English, South Africans, Australians, Germans. People with a common vision, common goal, patience, persistence, action plan and appetite for work.
Volunteers in every sense of the word, they understood the need for continuous action, they were firm in their offer and they supported each other. Without them SPAZ would not exist.
Most have now retired. We hope that this first group is watching our action and is proud of us, because we succeed and continue what they started 32 years ago with a lot of love, dedication and effort.
Since 2015 we have also been "running" a very important educational program in schools, which is funded by the Dogs Trust. Niki Klainou, in charge of the program, was trained in London by Dogs Trust. By June 2019, more than 10,000 children will have attended our "Shoes at School" program. Children are the future. Children, if they have the right information/receive the right information, will be better people on all levels.
The economic crisis that our country has been going through in recent years has significantly affected animals - stray and domesticated. Many dropouts, fewer volunteers and supporters.
Stray animals need you. SPAZ needs you. It needs people who will offer their time and energy so that we can all continue to help the homeless. It also needs those who do not have time but can help financially. All from a little, instead of all from a few. We have achieved a lot, but we still have a lot to do.
If you want to help us continue helping the homeless, contact us at info@spazgreece.gr or by message on our Facebook page.
The SPAZ volunteers