Sissy appeared in early May 2016 at a marina in Glyfada with wounds on her paws, as if she had travelled miles until someone finally left her there. She “stuck” to a girl who worked there because she noticed her, and after we took her to the vet for examinations and sterilization, she made sure to help her recover. Sissy began to protect her territory and the girl, becoming agitated by the presence of others. When people started gathering at the marina, she had to be moved.

Since the summer of 2016, she’s been waiting. Dogs came, dogs left. Sissy remained in at the shelter.

An exceptionally tender creature, she patiently waits for the person who will understand that Sissy is for them. Someone to accompany her, walk with her, throw her a ball, or simply sit with her. Sissy has been melancholic lately. You should know that there are dogs who can’t endure staying in a pension forever; they have a huge need for human connection.

In the afternoons, she doesn’t want to leave her cage, she has nothing to do, she doesn’t want to wander alone in an empty park, she looks around hoping someone will walk with her or throw her a ball. But no one is there.

Sissy is around 7 years old today. She is healthy and sprayed. She couldn’t live with children; she needs a quiet environment without surprises in her daily life. Sudden movements scare her, although she’s not fearful outside. A couple or a single person would be ideal.

She won’t make a mess in your space, she won’t cause you harm; an adult dog simply doesn’t do these things. She’ll wait for you to return from work and happily wag her tail.

She loves car rides, sitting quietly and looking out the windows. She enjoys walks in the mountains and by the sea. She loves treats.

If you feel touched by any part of her story, you can call 6945598760 to arrange to meet her in person. If not, you can simply share her story; there’s surely someone out there for her.

She will only be given within Attica with an adoption contract and a microchip. She cannot, except for very few exceptions, coexist with another dog. Perhaps a male, certainly neutered. We don’t know how she would react with cats.