Some dogs simply radiate happiness, spreading joy to those around them effortlessly. Meet Leni, a delightful setter whose infectious joy brightens the lives of everyone he encounters.

Leni is a tender and affectionate companion, embodying the essence of unconditional love. Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or a seasoned pro, Leni is the perfect choice.

He effortlessly charms all with his friendly demeanor and impeccable manners, making him an ideal addition to any family or individual.

This perfect pooch is not only a joy to be around but also a breeze to care for. Leni is well-behaved both indoors and out, getting along famously with other dogs and maintaining a clean bill of health after successfully overcoming minor health issues.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the unparalleled companionship of Leni. Reach out to us weekdays and Saturdays after 5 pm (GMT+3) at +306945598760. Call 6945598760 for inquiries and adoption arrangements.

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