SPAZ was the catalyst of our connection and our mutual life, approximately 8 years ago.

Sam was found a night seriously injured, most probably by a car, in a central road of Argyroupoli, unable to move. For his luck, and after this tragic event, his guardian angel found him and transferred him immediately to the vet. SPAZ after that, was asked to manage this difficult case.

I met Sam through an online meeting of the organization, and he stood out immediately. I admired his strength and his willingness to live and except the fact that he was really likable to my eyes, I started to become interested in his rehabilitation and his future, which shouldn’t be the road. Because of his trauma that occurred by the accident, he should find an adoption.

Indeed, after numerous orthopedic surgeries, and a lot of other health issues, he came to my “possession” and my care.

Sam is a really happy, sociable animal and it didn’t take long until he adjusted to the family and be a great friend with my older dog Pit and my little cat Sporitsa.

Since then, we are inseparable, even when it comes to vacations, where we have an amazing time without any problems, because he knows how to adjust in every environment, as long as he is with his family!

Sadly, I have to tell you that at some point I had to leave for a long time, so Sam had to go to a foster home. Thankfully, my brother or my mother, who are familiar with pets, always help me. I mentioned that because the prospective guardian has to think about a familiar person to help with the foster, in case an emergency occurs. 

It’s really important.

The daily walks of Sam, is a motive for me to also walk and stroll, regardless of the weather. The walk is a really joyful experience, because we go to the National gardens or Zappeio, as we live close to them , so we also have the opportunity to get in touch with nature. We are really lucky for that!

I daily take care of cleaning the space and cleaning Sam, but I also take care of his nutrition, in order for him to have a life of good quality. Our favorite routine is to go together to grab a coffee! We both enjoy it. It’s our date.

The living together is really smooth, as Sam is a really calm dog. On the contrary, my first doggie, Pit, has some behavioral issues towards other animals and people, and he needed training and a lot of patience in order to manage these flaws.

I want to express my gratitude to SPAZ that brought Sam into my life.

When dogs, and also cats, enter our home and our life, they teach us unconditional love.. They make us better and more sensitive people . They manage to balance us psychologically and emotionally. They magically take away every problem and all the exhaustion of the day! The care and the time we dedicate to them, are actually the reward for the psychotherapy they can offer to us. 

They make us feel unique and important.. and that’s how these beings actually see us!

With the right time and duty management that comes with having a pet, their existence to our life is only a benefit! It’s a lifetime experience that you will never regret, even when you have to say goodbye! 


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