Sometimes the ads we write for a dog stems from a comment we pass around among ourselves, volunteers. For example, Olivia, her whole ex...
Haido is a quiet girl and gets along harmoniously with other dogs. In the space where she lives at moment, she’s impeccably clean, never making a mess or chewing on the blankets that keep her warm during the cold months. Read more…
Meet Persa, the furry tornado of joy and enthusiasm! This happy-go-lucky canine is like a perpetual motion machine, with enough energy to power a small country (or at least a few extra laps around the park). Read more…
Introducing Kanellos, the doggy legend from the wild west of Athens! This four-legged wonder roamed the streets with his posse of furry amigos until fate intervened in the form of a car accident that landed him in the canine hospital wing. Read more…